Thursday, November 2, 2017

Frugal Lifestyle DIY I Hate My Job So I'm Escaping The Rat Race

Escaping the rat race was the central focus of my life for a long time. Maybe that’s why I blog about it, after the fact. For the average person to achieve even a little success, to gain some autonomy in this area, is a feat of will over matter.
I once typed ‘I hate my job’ into Google thinking that somebody out there must have a solution for me. I searched other terms like, ‘quit my job’ and ‘work from home ideas’ and even 'easy ideas to make money." but I couldn't find anything substantial - just a bunch of 'life coaches' who are either very successful at getting people to buy their courses or a faking it to try to encourage you to buy their courses - either way, I couldn't find a real solution. 
Stuck in a full-time, shift based job, I was caught in the dreaded routine of work, work, and more work.  
The trade, of my time and labor in exchange for a wage, didn’t seem fair. I longed for freedom, freedom to choose my own path, my own labors. I hated the fact the I was forced to accept the whims of another, simply because the rent was due.  In this article, I will share with you my story and the things I did to little by little craft enough income to quit my job. 

i hate my job meme

I Hated My Job

I spent my time researching ideas, trying to understand theories and checking the credibility of equations. I was inspired by some of the information I found.
Although not as direct as I will be here, my research would lead me to question what I valued more, freedom or comfort. I learned that comfort in the equation could be substituted with convenience or pride (perception). 

Keeping Up With The Joneses

Never one to keep up with the Joneses, I was still far from understanding how much of my money was being wasted on wants, rather than needs.
I wanted a way to spend my time on earth doing what wanted to do. I didn’t want to spend the best of my self at a ‘job’. It took years to understand, develop and apply a concept that worked for me.
The phrase that encapsulates what I wanted is ‘Financial Independence’.
But, I didn’t have the patience, nor the will, to continue to wage-slave long enough to achieve it. I found, however, that by combining a number of popular (in the non-mainstream sort of way) concepts, I was able to leave the workplace in my mid-thirties.

So I started My Own Lifestyle Business (s) 

First I learned to Code 

I really hated my job, even though I had a good engineering job and enjoyed what I did, after almost 10 years I had only worked for one company that I actually enjoyed and felt like I had the opportunity to make a good living while enjoying a good lifestyle. That lasted only two years then all other jobs were crap. I knew that code and programming is the way of the future, there are so many jobs for programmers that is incredible how fast technology is evolving - yet not many know how to code. So if you learn even basic code you have the opportunity to live by the beach and still get a remote job with a company that allows you learn as you get better. This could be ideal for you, for me it wasn't too ideal because it still meant I had to exchange time, skill, and effort for money which would eventually get me back into the rat race. I don't want the rat race. 
Learning to code gave me access to some cash flow from designing websites for others, mainly Wordpress websites that I could under bid other companies and this enabled me some experience and rapport within the industry. 

Click the image below and it will take you to another page to learn more about how I learned to code the fast and easy way.
One Month

Step 2 I also then started reading a lot! Like a lot! 

Reading is important! As Tai Lopez likes to say, if you want to become successful you have to change your mind, reading and learning helps you change your mind frame and unlock opportunities for making money and a better lifestyle. So I did, I read a lot of books on business, technology, social influencers, etc. etc. 
Then for a while I was promoting these books through my facebooks groups and through other blogs for referral commissions - this game me some cash inflow but not significant enough to quit my job. More like once a month weekend money. I was starting to see the potential in a lifestyle business. 

Step 3 then I started A Cleaning Company

Because my background is in business, engineering, and marketing, I was able to look for markets that were severely underserved in my area which was Phoenix, AZ. I saw an opportunity in cleaning and went for it with the help of my wife. She was dealing with her own health issues that drove her to wanting to secure more income in case her employer let her go. So we started Honest Maids. It took us a few months to get everything right from the process, the hiring, the brand and the website, which I built myself. Once we launched it, it took about 3-4 months for us to get a steady flow of 1 or 2 clients per week which was just enough to keep our 2 part-time employees busy for about 20 hours per week. They were single mothers who were staying at home but wanted extra income.

Honest Maids now has multiple city locations and various states and growing. The beauty of this is that we don't clean ourselves, we manage the business as far as accounting and bookkeeping, but when we can't do it ourselves we hire a remote bookkeeper Blue Pearl Tax in Texas who does an amazing job! Almost a year after launching the business, my wife and I decided to move back home and we've been 'running' the business from there ever since. The company still grows, I'm actually in the hiring process as we speak but that's something I can do while I relax on my couch or while I take my kids to baseball practice and wait for them there. This is a lifestyle business that might be suitable for you. Is not completely hands-free, but it's a business that allows you to focus on branding, sharing about yourself, making a brand around you and then just hire others to do the work - if you pay them well and build a good atmosphere people will stick with you and embrace your company. 

Through the cleaning company, we send out newsletters which sometimes have household design tips, trends, etc. with items linked to an Amazon affiliate link. 

Step 4 I relaunched a marketing company I had branded a few years before

With the success I had growing and branding Honest Maids, I took a stab at other companies and did great. I was initially consulting and leveraging my MBA to get leads, but the paperwork drove me crazy. I love marketing and love figuring out ways to get exposure for what I believe in or want others to experience so marketing was key for me. Marketing was the way out of my rat race and do what I love. My passion in life would help me make a decent living for me and my family. I relaunched Unthink Digital Marketing - through Unthink I was able to find and partner with amazing talented individuals who believed that small business owners, newbies, and startups should have access and deserve the same opportunities and experts as large corporations but at reduced prices. Through Unthink we offer small businesses with large company tools and experts to help with marketing. 

We do everything from apps, to websites and social media management as well as inbound and content - almost the same process I put in for my own lifestyle blogs and referral business. 
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Unthink is my Passion business and it allows me to do what I love from anywhere in the world. it also allows me to travel the world meeting clients.

If you need hosting, url domains, and more - go to and use code "Unthink" at check out.
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Frugal DYI Lifestyle is not for everyone

The problem with being frugal is you must not spend on things you don't need. That's the true key to escaping the rat race. When you don't have a job, you shouldn't spend money. Even if you have a succesful business - that's because revenues and profit can fluctuate. But if you find a good steady source of income and don't aim for a luxury living you could be a very happy rat race free entrepreneur with an amazingly comfortable lifestyle for you and your family. 

By this point, I had 2 businesses that were pretty much running themselves, I a few blogs with referral links and sources, and multiple platforms where I could share my expertise, my story and sell products people needed. I also leveraged my facebook marketing expertise to sell some high ticket items.

In case you are wondering there are a few tools that i used that truly helped me generate better traffic and convert more without spending a lot of money. People often buy Click Funnels, Sales Hack Funnels, etc. etc. but with a bit of homework and frugality, you can find easy to use tools that can be just as powerful, especially when you are starting out. One of my favorite tools to use is this landing page tool that allows me to drag and drop a design, launch the link live and then track everything in it like how far people scroll down through a page, what's being ignored, what links are being clicked, etc. etc. I truly recommend them. I have been using their platform for almost 3 years now. 

Instapage  Instapage

This blog post solution is not about a magical way one could stop working tomorrow – or some pyramid scheme I have to sell you. It took me about 3 years before I could finally quit. But I did and so did my wife. Our lifestyle wasn't about moving to Costa Rica and travel the world but about being to live near family, in a city with little job growth, and focusing our children before they got too old. If your lifestyle aspiration is the same I think following some of these realistic steps will help you get started with a clear and undersold approach and I think that's what other lifestyle entrepreneurs won't tell you because they want you to buy all the bull they are selling. I can tell you that I love what I do and love helping others which is why I do marketing - I have to be very good at it too and everything else I set up was a way to secure cashflow through other options even if one had a slow week or month. 

One Month Instapage

What do you think? Do you have any ideas on how to get started? Comment below and I will try to help you get started as well. Just a free consultation amongst friends. 

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

West Texas Non-Slip is your local solution to slippery and hazardous floors in the El Paso and Southwest region. We specialize in Sure Step treatments that are invisible once applied and immediately start preventing falls. Call them today at 915-328-800 or 915-479-8282 to schedule a free in person demonstration of our product.


Is your bathtub floor safe?
Slips and falls are the #1 cause of Accidental injuries in hotels, restaurants and public buildings with approximately 25,000 people daily going to hospitals from related injuries. The average cost to defend a slip and fall lawsuit is $50,000. West Texas Non Slip is your answer for non slippery commercial flooring. There is no better way to achieve non slippery floors than SURE STEP.
After every wash, mop and rain the floors of your office building and store become extra slippery and dangerous for your guests and for your bottom line. Don't risk having accidents and law suits because of an overlook. -- Our product SURE STEP is a clear treatment that is easily applied over your surface to increase a surface's co-efficient of friction by 200-400% to avoid risk of falling accidents.

Their product makes floors safer for the following

  • Guests/Visitors... With certain steps and obstacles an unfamiliar environment could cause difficulty with slipping and falling.
  • Elderly... Slower reactions can be an unfortunate cause of many slip/fall accidents, particularly when walking on a wet floor.
  • Handicapped... Restricted movement or vision can result in the increased possibility of a fall.
  • Everyone... We've all experienced a slip at some time or another. And it always comes as a surprise... we can never seem to be too careful.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Hiring A Marketing Agency. What You Should Know and What Unthink Digital Marketing Offers To Your Small Business.

We work on monthly or 1 time basis

Unthink offers the most comprehensive search engine optimization. We apply only the best and most accepted Search Engine Optimization practices to help our clients’ websites increase in relevance, visitor traffic, and conversion.
We know that is not about just tricking people to stop by, but is more about us constructing an online presence that brings value to potential customer searches and by knowing what they are searching can increase visitors, increase the time spent in a website and ultimately generate more leads or sales.
  • We don’t provide services to companies looking to simply build links that ‘point’ back to a website.
  • We don’t create temporary fake linked accounts.
  • We don’t spam or wholesale comments on blogs with embedded links.
Our SEO service is not intended to reach a page ranking on Google for example, we improve your entire content to avoid Google issues and SEO penalties. This approach is not sustainable for business owners, and is intended more to consistently generate long term payment for SEO experts from the need to ‘refresh’ this work to maintain a certain page ranking. Instead, our service is meant to help businesses expose their content sustainably, like an investment — over time the more we build, optimize, and deploy the traffic will increase from many channels not just a ‘Google search’. Our Search Engine Optimization is done with an inbound marketing approach.

SEO Services Provided To Our Clients

1. Internal — Back End — Website Optimization

  • Competitor assignation and research
  • Internal back end website code structure optimization
  • In page structure: headings, subs, images, etc.
  • Restructuring internal links to create a ‘path’ for engine crawlers to follow
  • Website metagging, keyword optimization
  • Enable/Create custom URLs
  • Create/Write content for website blogs
  • Create content for FAQ with links
  • Use Schema Markup
  • Add/Improve keywords to page descriptions and titles
  • Connect and or share content through Google+ accounts
  • Check & Improve 404 page
  • Meta Robot Tag
  • Alternate Descriptions and Link Tagging
  • Work on website speed load times
  • General content optimization/management
  • Design improvement/consultation to increase visitor time in page (bounce rate)
  • Change copy used within website pages to increase Bounce Rate
  • If possible, write white papers with tagging for blog and website pages.
  • Sitemap (xml) creation + Google Submission
  • Mobile website optimization, geolocation, and usability such as clickable phone numbers and emails
  • Eliminating jargon and keyword stuffing

2. Unthink Social Media SEO

  • Some social accounts are NoFollow — we don’t waste time on those for SEO only clients
  • Social Media optimization such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+
  • We create local listing for businesses (70–90 local indexes average per city/region)
  • Share original blog content through accounts with specific website URLs
  • Schedule posts on timely basis based on computer suggestions and algorithms — Hubspot & CrowdFire
  • NAP consistency check and fix
  • Local Backlinks
  • Social media management with images, stories and URLs
  • Youtube video optimization
  • Blog hosting and cross promoting
  • Network content paid distribution

3. Unthink Blogging SEO Services

  • Content creation and distribution
  • Keyword optimization for existing content
  • Backlinking
  • Cross promoting with other content creators
  • Yahoo Answers
  • Redditt/Rediff Answer
  • Classified Ad posting
  • Press Releases
  • Forum Posting
  • Article Submission
  • Google group discussion

Request A Free SEO Analysis From Unthink Marketing Experts. Let’s get you more visits and more sales!



how to grow website traffic for my software company

As you know, I am global consultant, I keep things humble! Lol. But is the truth, in my blog I like to share questions that others have asked and I have answered. Below I provided a follow up answer to the question --->


Here is my answer
My name is Humberto Valle, I run a marketing agency and have helped many startups and entrepreneurs go from idea to millions in revenue for about 10 years now. My education is in engineering, art, and business and masters in business.

With that said, I specialize in marketing service based businesses and software -intangible value driven companies. Your situation is very common and to an expert what this says is that you are still figuring out who your target customer truly is. You might have sales and organic flow but it would be my expert guess that you haven't done your homework on them yet. No biggie though - what you need to do is conduct your research on patterns from your existing clients based on buying cycle, industry use, specific needs for that final buy decision, did you have to negotiate with them, educate them? - develop a buyer persona and get into the right mindset, once you have that buyer persona well researched and your mindset is based off facts rather than assumptions you can then easily create landing pages and call to actions that will have the highest possible conversion rates (obviously a/b testing them) you should be able to avoid jargon and speak in their language and offer things of interest to them. Regardless whether you are looking to grow for a recruiting software platform or custom on-boarding software or management system you need to keep things simple so, once you know how to talk to your customers in their language, address their FUD (fears, uncertainties, doubts) the channels don't really matter.

This is basic inbound marketing - the work and time go into developing a proper content strategy around the consumer, user and the value proposition in english terms. Have content for each phase of the buying cycle - awareness, consideration, and decision. For expert advice on how to increase website traffic for software products and or help with your ongoing marketing service, send me a direct message.

Humberto Valle 
Unthink Digital Marketing Founder & CEO
El Paso, Texas & Avondale, Arizona

Monday, November 21, 2016

What do businesses think of Yelp? -- I called Yelp and they told me to F#ck off!

Hey! Thank you for stopping by. 
I hope you enjoy this post, I'm an international business coach. I have coached for non profits, startup companies, executive professionals, world known CEOs and operational management teams across the world starting in Arizona and all the way to Brisbane Australia, Argentina, London, Indonesia, and Canada. I have a and Undergrad & Masters in Business Administration. I have launched my own companies - some have failed some have grown beautifully. My wife is a local business professional and entrepreneur.  I mention this because as you read, I want you to not think about me as a complainer or pissed consumer. Even though I am bothered. 

Money For Lies:
"There's been some horrible companies in America. Companies who have literally poisoned consumers, companies who evade all taxation etc... But, by a large margin, the most evil is Yelp." 
Extorsion and Bogus Filter:
"They solicit you to pay a monthly charge with the promise you can control any negative reviews,thats wrong,then the so called filters filter out legit and positive reviews."

Brandon L: Oh sure, they'll take these "reviews" down. But actual/provable fake reviews, competitor reviews, purchased reviews, those get to stay?

Paul N: Here's a review for you: Yelp sucks

Modern Internet Gangsters:
"Our business recently received several positive reviews from legitimate existing live people - our customers. We were very pleased to see these reviews posted to Yelp. However, to our surprise, within 24-hours all of these positive, recommended reviews were moved by Yelp into the non-recommended category." 

This are only 5 of the millions of complaints about Yelp. There are so many Yelp complaints from business owners that the government has tried to intervene. Unfortunately the way Yelp's business model is set up forces the FTC to not being able to follow suit on Yelp's manipulation of the business side platform that searching consumers get to see.

Before you continue consider this: 

Elon Musk and his partners including, Jeremy Stoppelman, sold PayPal back in early 2000's. Elon Musk (a folk hero now) used all of this personal wealth created from this to finance research of innovative and disruptive technology for self driving, electric, fully smart vehicles and also founded an innovative solar company and financed the startup of a space exploration company known as SpaceX - now competing so greatly with NASA, Boeing and other established companies that NASA has almost given up in building their own engines and shuttles and just hire SpaceX. You know about Tesla and Solar City. Think about that. Now consider that Jeremy, invested all his wealth into launching Yelp. But not in the technology, programming is expensive but not billions of dollars expensive. Jeremy and his investors put all their money into the marketing of what Yelp was to be. ALL INTO MARKETING - MAKING THE AVERAGE CONSUMER (YOU) THINK THAT YELP IS A GOOD HEAVENLY SENT SERVICE THAT IS ALL COMMUNITY DRIVEN. Think about that..that kind of marketing power playing with your head and priming you to think a certain way. 

But what do I mean Yelp's Business Model? 
Well, Yelp is not in the Review business - as much as you might think so. Yelp is in the Search Marketing business. Think Google but with less transparency and not only the front search results being sold but also what is inside the pages once you click on the links. Yelp is in the business of selling their marketing investment - they have convinced so many searching consumers into their platform that it forces businesses to be there as well. But once you are there they extort you for everything that you see. Yelp manipulates everything on the business' side. FTC said because Yelp is a business whose model is focused on serving the searchers they can do whatever they want with businesses. Is it legal? Yes. Is it unethical? Yes. 

Yelp lobbied and won,Yelp Says FTC Won’t Act on Complaints About Its Reviews
"Yelp said the FTC had examined the software it uses to manage consumer reviews on its site and how Yelp ensures that salespeople can’t manipulate reviews"

This last part in red is key. They twist their offering ideas so they don't get in trouble. The complaint is not about consumers. The complaints are about who much they screw businesses over money, how they have ran down families and their investments into their businesses by manipulating what reviews show, how many competitors they show in your business page, etc. Yelp says it manages the site for the benefit of consumers and not small business owners. It has prevailed over businesses in prior complaints.

My wife has a business of her own as well. She just recently started a page in Yelp. We have nothing but satisfied customers. One of the reviews a gentlemen left in her Yelp page was put in the not recommended. I called Yelp for her and ask to remove the review from the "unrecommended" section and they told me to forget about it that in Yelp's mind they make no mistake and that even though the review was legitimate, they can track the IP for the computer, they don't focus on the business side because it just doesn't really matter to them. What matters is that the consumer comes to them by any means. So as it might be fair to Yelp and the consumer sees no difference the businesses are getting screwed over left and right by Yelp every single hour of every single day.

The problem? When the searchers sees a new business with 5 reviews and 3 or even 1 of them is shown as unrecommended, they will most likely think something like "Oh, this business is new because they have little reviews..oh and look! Looks like Yelp caught them with shady reviews or reviewing themselves! - Yeah, I think I'll skip this business..."

Honest Maids, my wife's business have received comments from people that do a Google search and search various links amongst them, Yelp, and tell us that if it had been only on what they see on Yelp, they would have not called us. 

Yelp is not in business for the businesses. 

Here are my thoughts on all this. 
Instead of showing Unrecommended Reviews that consumers can see, Yelp should completely hide them just like other items in the business' dashboard. Keep the ranking effect but hide the review to avoid confusion, which is done to intimidate businesses to pay for 'marketing'. Which in their mind marketing is paying for what you would think is basic features of being on the not having competitors on your own business page, or being able to add pictures for free in the order you want... If they hid the "good but somehow bad reviews" consumers wouldn't think bad about a business for no reason. 

Notice I am not talking about the legitimate fake or complaint reviews..I'm talking solely about the reviews that are generic, good, praising type reviews that get move to the unrecommended section. 

Consumers should know that when a business has ZERO reviews, that can actually be a good thing. You see consumers don't typically go to review sites when they are satisfied. They pay and expect to be satisfied... But when a consumer gets ripped off or is some how unpleased, they will immediately show their complaints and thoughts to the world. So ZERO reviews is a good thing. Yelp should at least help business a little with some educational tips through the reviewers' pages. After all even they say they are not in the business for businesses, by definition they are because they make their money from these businesses. They do it through extortion but since they are within legal limits, by proxy their clients are businesses not reviewers.
here are some common google searches:  what do businesses think of yelp
Yelp facts business owners should know (but most don't)
what do businesses think about yelp? 
yelp suck

Basic Tips For Your New Business Website

Basic Tips For Your New Business Website

Many business owners and entrepreneurs get into business by following their passions; they start making money doing what they love but are not natural sales people and much less marketers. Is this basic principle that prevents many would be successful business owners from actually achieving success. You see marketing is not something that is optional or that should be left for a typical high school student with some social media experience or anyone else with little to no experience. No, marketing is a management level effort that combines various tools and methodologies in a way that enable brand exposure, service acknowledgment and brings people together around a common interest, over time this effort will build a brand. A website is one of the most basic tools you need to begin crafting a sustainable brand for yourself.  Below is a video clip, showing you basic ideas and tips on what to look for when you are getting your first website built.

A Website Is Not Marketing.

Every business needs a website, and not every website is created equal. This is important because you might be tempted to getting your website done by someone over seas or with a do it yourself subscription like WIX or WEEBLY or even GoDaddy.  When you build a website yourself, you will definitely lack structure, editing capabilities that will allow you to make improvements on your search engine optimization efforts from within your website, you might also be limited on your tracking for improvements later on as your business grows. 
Watch this video, I hope it provides you with basic knowledge for when you get your next website done.

Also, PSST. We're having a sale!! Get A Free website ONLY AT WWW.UNTHINK.ME

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Have You Heard Of Bergen's Best Kept Secret?

Bergen's namesake origin may be up for debate and whether you think the name came from a person or a Norwegian city the one thing that you cannot argue is the pride that comes from some of New Jersey's residents and their businesses when they own one. Layne Maid Service has been in this county for almost 12 years, and although Vania and her business don't get the attention they deserve amongst her clients, she is a rock star! New Jersey's own Layne Maid Service is a full service residential maid and commercial janitorial cleaning company that provides quality above everything else with the highest certification any cleaning company can provide - more certification and dedication that most franchise companies, if we say so ourselves. 

Sometimes the beauty and secret isn't in anything that has to do with us but simple common sights like a beautiful cat enjoying his day.

There's companies in other states, like one of our favorite companies in Cave Creek Arizona who provides termite extermination services to its residents, About Time Pest & Weed, or Evolve Credit Union in El Paso, but Layne Maids is a five star out of 5. Why is it a best kept secret? 

Vania, is the epitome of entrepreneurship and risk taker. More than 12 years ago Vania left the safety of her hometown in Brazil to take on an adventure and risk for a better life for herself and her family. Fast forwards 12 years and a lot of sleepless nights and sacrifice to this day and you will see a strong willed, positive woman who will do anything for her fellow neighbors and all of New Jersey's residents. She aims for perfection landing at constant innovation and improved services. New Jersey's best company isn't a technology startup or a healthcare campus, but a humble cleaning company that is proud to be have launched in this state and proud to be doing what they are doing because it has offered the many opportunities to serve many celebrities and government officials while cleaning and ensuring restaurants and schools are as pristine as possible for everyone of us to enjoy and take the spaces around us for granted.

Here's a bit of what you can find in their website

Layne Maid Services offer practical and effective solutions with quality and reliability that only our company can offer. We develop out method of work based on the needs of our clients, we serve demanding standards of quality and we provide the best solutions for cleaning.

  • Nightly / Day Cleaning Staff You Can Trust
  • Affordable Cleaning Schedules For Any Size Business
  • Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products Option

Experienced, Professional Cleaning For Businesses Of All Sizes


Your offices are part of your business image and often give clients a lasting impression. A clean and attractive office can reflect positively on your company, but you probably don’t have the time to clean your office properly. Layne Maid Service can do the cleaning for you, letting you focus on running your business. 

Commercial cleaning is our specialty. Every one of our employees is experienced at commercial cleaning and office cleaning at all levels, ensuring that your offices will be thoroughly cleaned to your satisfaction every time. We also offer janitorial services and building maintenance, giving your company the convenience of one-stop contracting for all your commercial cleaning and maintenance needs.